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Various Artists
The LBS Country Collection Volume 13 - LBS114CD

Greg Bain
 - Country Skies - LBS113CD

Lynette Guest
 - Trail Of Dreams - LBS112CD



Ben Jacobs
Poet Of The Bush  - LBS111CD

Lindsay Butler
Picks on the Music of Shorty Ranger  - LBS110CD


                                                  INDEPENDENT ALBUM RELEASES - LBS DISTRIBUTION


REG POOLE - Aussie Balladeer - ROO 005

The songs on this album such as ‘Aussie Balladeer’, ‘I’m A Grandad Now’, ‘In The Kimberleys’, ‘Rough Ridin’ Ringers’, ‘Jacaranda Blue’ and many more capture the unmistakable golden voice of a man they call ‘The Silver Haired Gentleman’ in country music.  Many other ‘Pooley’ albums available also.


ABBA - Aust Balladeers Remembered Tribute Series  7   - ABBA TS7

10 original artists from the passed with 2 tracks from each makes this album another great collectors item for the many Bushballad fans in Australia.  Thee great Smokey Dawson heads the album in the company of men like Tex Williams, Glen Green, Jack Munting, Shorty Ranger, Joe Daly, John Ashe, Keith Blinman, Pete Skoglond, & Ron Bywater.


MIKE CASEY - Memories to Burn - MC 32007

Making music is a very personal thing to Mike and this is a collection of songs that mean something to him is how he describes this album.  Tunes like ‘I want to be with You Always’, ‘Arms of a Fool’, ‘In Other Words’, ‘Getting Over You Again’ and ‘My Baby’s Gone’ and the title track all depict the flavour of this album.



Charmaine Pout’s music and songs have been heard, appreciated and requested in the far reaches of her travels.  This, her fourth album contains her most requested songs over the years ‘ Cattle Camp Lady’, ‘ The Faithful Old Dog’, ‘Blue Misty Mountain’, ‘Let The Canefields Burn’ and many more.


BARRY K CHANDLER - Country Music Dreams - BKC 010

Hot from the press is this 14 track album, with 12 originals  from Barry k and Lin and ‘Im Proud Of What I Am’ written by Wave Jackson which is receiving radio airplay across Australia and Europe, has to be a winner for this very energetic touring team.                    

TERRY & JENNY - Songs of our Land - T&J 03

 Welcome to the third album from Terry & Jenny.  A collection of songs about people, places war, farming, truckies, dogs, horses and some of their personal reflections about how our home Australia has changed down through the years, for better or for worse.  Terry & Jenny have two other albums available, ‘The Soldier With His Banjo’ & ‘The Good Old Days’.


DOUG McINTYRE - Turn the Tide - DMC101

Doug is a singer/ songwriter who clearly has a passion to make music that comes from within.  To  all who hear him, there is something unique and at the same time familiar about music.  His songs are proudly about his country, mindful of the past, yet very much in the present.



A collection of country singles from Kross Kut artists.

Names like Glenn Jones, Charley Boyter, Neil Buttsworth, Ken Lindsay, Keith Jamieson, & Col Edmonds need no introduction. Then nclude Rachael Richards, Texas Rose, Daisy May, Boris Bajric, Tarscha, John & Avon Kilcullen, Lloyd Black, Royce Everingham Alish Smith, Peter Salata. and you have this  new complication.     



For all the fans who have been trying for some time to get this album and for all the people who haven’t heard about it, now it is available again on CD.  GB 01CD


ELVIE NICHOL& DON FEATHERSTONE - Texas Sweetheart’ - DON 343    

Another album from Elvie & Don with their special brand of country songs is now available.